Raise your hand if you like office supplies.
Raise your other hand if you like checklists.
Wiggle your fingers if you are always looking for new excuses to buy a new notebook or writing instrument.
If you did all 3, high-five yourself for being SUPER cool like me. 😀
Joking aside (for just a moment). Checklists & Trackers are my Go-To Gremlin traps.
Autumn, what’s a Gremlin trap? Great question, dear reader! A gremlin trap is anything you put in place to stop yourself from blocking…yourself.
The only rule about creating a Checklist or Tracker is: It has to work for you.
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing:
Want to journal 3 times a week? Grab a post it note & write JOURNAL at the top with 3 circles under it. Color in a circle each time you do it.
Want to spend more time reading? Draw a bookshelf with books in it (it can be messy!). Color in a book for each block of time you spent reading. (you determine the time block length)
Want to tidy up the kitchen before going to bed? Put a jar of rocks or coins on your nightstand next to 2 containers (one for Y and one for N). Put a marble in the correct answer to: Did I tidy up the kitchen before bed?
Want to track that you did something daily? Get a calendar and set of stickers. Put a stick on any day you do that thing.My rule of thumb for daily items is: I don’t skip 2 days in a row.
Have a whole list of things you want to track for each week? Create a single page with the items you want to track. Make it colorful and fun. Protip: Try to keep it to 3-5 things and don’t be afraid to change it if it isn’t working for you. Protip #2: Canva is a great place to get a checklist and you can sign up for free!